Research papers
- O. Ragnisco, F. Zullo: “Continuous and Discrete (Classical) Heisenberg Spin Chain revised”,
SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) 3 (2007), 033.
- O. Ragnisco, F. Zullo: “Bäcklund Transformations for the Trigonometric Gaudin Magnet: first
results” SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) 6 (2010),
012, 6 pages.
- Sciubba E, Zullo F.: Exergy based population dynamics: a thermodynamic view of the
sustainability concept. 2011. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15, Issue 2, pp. 172–184, April
- Sciubba E, Zullo F.: Is Sustainability a Thermodynamic concept?. International Journal of
Exergy 2011 - 8, No.1 pp. 68 – 85.
- O. Ragnisco, F. Zullo: “Bäcklund transformations as exact integrable time-discretizations for
the trigonometric Gaudin model.” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 43,
434029, 2010
- O. Ragnisco, F. Zullo: “Bäcklund Transformation for the Kirchhoff Top” SIGMA (Symmetry,
Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications), 7 (2011), 001, 13 pages
- F. Zullo: “Backlund Transformation for the elliptic Gaudin model and a Clebsch system”, J.
Math. Phys. 52, 073507 (2011).
- O. Ragnisco, F. Zullo: “Quantum Bäcklund Transformation: some ideas and examples”,
contribution to the conference Solitons in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions, DS, KP and all that,
Lecce, 2011 September 13-14, in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 172 (2): 1159-1170
- Sciubba E, Zullo F.: “An Exergy-Based Model for Population Dynamics: Adaptation,
Mutualism, Commensalism and Selective Extinction”, Sustainability, 4 (10), 2611 -
2629, 2012. doi:10.3390/su4102611.
- Zullo F.: “Backlund transformations and Hamiltonian flows”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
46 145203, 2013 doi:10.1088/1751 -8113/46/14/145203.
- Sciubba E, Zullo F.: “Stability and periodic solutions in an exergy-based model of
population dynamics”, Energy, 58, 2013, pp. 202–209
- A.N.W. Hone, O. Ragnisco and F. Zullo: “Properties of the series solution for
Painlev´e I” Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Special Issue “The Geometry
of the Painlevé Equations”, 20, Supplement 1, 2013
- F. Zullo: “On an integrable discretisation of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy”, J. Math.
Phys. 54, 053515 (2013).
- Sciubba E., Zullo F.: “An Exergy-based analysis of the co-evolution of different
species sharing common resources”, Ecological Modelling, Volume 273, pp 277–283,
- F. Zullo: “A q-difference Baxter operator for the Ablowitz–Ladik chain”, J. Phys. A:
Math. Theor. 48, 2015, 125205, doi:10.1088/1751 -8113/48/12/125205.
- A.N.W. Hone, O. Ragnisco and F. Zullo: “Algebraic entropy for algebraic maps”, J.
Phys. A: Math. Theor., 49, 2, 125205, 2015.
- F. Zullo: “Entropy Production in the Theory of Heat Conduction in Solids”, Entropy, 18
(3), 87; doi:10.3390/e18030087, 2016
- Sciubba E., Zullo F: Minimum Exergy Flow of Isolated Populations: Theory and
Experiments, International Journal of Thermodynamics, Vol. 19 (No. 4), pp. 226-233,
2016, doi: 10.5541/ijot.5000205311.
- Sciubba E. Zullo F: Exergy Dynamics of Systems in Thermal or Concentration NonEquilibrium, Entropy 2017, 19(6), 263; doi:10.3390/e19060263
- E. Sciubba, F. Zullo: A novel derivation of the time evolution of the entropy for
macroscopic systems in thermal non-equiibrium, Entropy 2017, 19(11), 594;
- Hone A.N.W, Zullo F.: Hirota bilinear equations for Painlevé transcendents, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, Vol. 07, No. 04, 1840001 (2018)
- Carillo S., Zullo F: Ermakov-Pinney and Emden-Fowler equations: new solutions from novel
Bäcklund transformations, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 196, ISSN: 0040-5779, doi: 10.1134/S0040577918090027ISSN: 0040-5779, 2018
- Carillo S., Zullo F: Gross-Pitaevskii equation: Bäcklund. transformations and admitted solutions. Ricerche di Matematica, Springer, ISSN: 0035-5038, doi: 10.1007/s11587-018-0422-8, 2018.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F.: On the quantification of non-equilibrium exergy for thermodynamic systems
evolving according to Cattaneo’s equation, International Journal of Thermodynamics, 22 (1), 19-24, 2019, DOI: 10.5541/ijot.515606
- Sciubba E., Zullo F.: A general model for the evolution of non-equilibrium systems, Energy, 2019,
- F. Zullo: On the dynamics of the zeros of solutions of the Airy equation, Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2019.07.002
- MG. Naso, E. Vuk, F. Zullo: On the optimization of heat rectification in graded materials,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 143, 2019, 118520
- F. Zullo: A Numerical Method to Estimate the Peak of New Infected and the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Italy, Organisms, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2020)
ISSN: 2532-5876, DOI: 10.13133/2532-5876/16990
- I. Bochicchio, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, F. Zullo: Convecting–radiating fins: Explicit solutions, efficiency and optimization,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 89, Part 1, January 2021, Pages 171-18
- C. Giorgi, F. Zullo: Entropy Rates and Efficiency of Convecting-Radiating Fins, Energies 2021, 14(6), 1643; https://doi.org/10.3390/en14061643
31. Carillo, S., Chichurin, A., Filipuk, G., Zullo F: A short note on the Painlevé XXV–Ermakov equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2022, 131, 108064
- Zullo F., Giorgi C.: On the Optimal Shape and Efficiency Improvement of Fin Heat Sinks. ENERGIES, vol. 16, ISSN: 1996-1073, 2023, doi: 10.3390/en16010316
- Carillo, S., Chichurin, A., Filipuk, G., Zullo F: Schwarzian derivative, Painlevé XXV–Ermakov, equation, and Bäcklund transformations, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/mana.202200180
- Zullo F.: Integral Representations and Zeros of the Lommel Function and the Hypergeometric 1F2 Function, Results in Mathematics, Volume 79, 236, Springer, 2024
- C. Giorgi, F. Zullo: Modeling of heat conduction through rate equations, Meccanica, Springer, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-024-01788-0
- M. Scalia ; O. Ragnisco ; B. Tirozzi ; F. Zullo - The Volterra Integrable case. Novel analytical and numerical results, Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, October 12, 2024, Volume 4 - https://doi.org/10.46298/ocnmp.13947
- G. Gubbiotti, O. Ragnisco, M.P. Santini, Z. Federico: Preface for the Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi, Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2024
- E. Francomano, S. De Marchi, G. Filipuk, G. Ramella, F. Zullo: Preface for the Special volume on Advanced Mathematical and Numerical Models in Applied Sciences (AMNMAS). DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2024.12.003. In Advanced Mathematical And Numerical Models In Applied Sciences vol. 210, 2024
- F. Zullo: Lommel functions, Padé approximants and hypergeometric functions, In Applied Numerical Mathematics, DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2024.11.003, 2024
Book Chapters
- Zullo F.: On the solutions of the Airy equation and their zeros, in De Gruyter Proceedings in
Mathematics, pp. 267-282, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110611427, ISBN
978-3-11-061142-7, (2019).
- Zullo F.: Notes on the Zeros of the Solutions of Airy’s Non-homogeneous Equation, in Filipuk, Galina and Lastra, Alberto and Michalik, Slawomir (ed.) Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations, World Scientific (Europe), 2022
- A.N.W. Hone, J.A.G. Roberts, P. Vanhaecke, F. Zullo: Integrable maps in 4D and modified Volterra lattices, in Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F: “Stability and periodic solutions in an exergy-based model of population
dynamics” Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,
Optimization and Simulation of Energy Conversion Systems and Processes, ECOS 2012.
Aabo Akademi University, Vol. 8, p. 179-192 14 p., 2012.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F: “An exergy-based model for population dynamics: cooperative vs.
parasitic behavior”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition IMECE2012, November 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F: “On the optimal use of shared exergy resources” Proceedings of the
26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013. China International Conference
Center for Science and Technology, 2013.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F: “A contribution to the systematic quantification of the resource flow
needed to sustain a given population dynamics” Proceedings of the 27th International
Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of
Energy Systems, ECOS 2014. June 15-19, 2014, Turku, Finland.
- Sciubba E Zullo F: Exergy dynamics of systems in thermal non-equilibrium, Conference on
Energy Systems, Istanbul 2015, 23-25 December 2015, Yildiz Technical University,
ISBN: 978-605-65907-0-2, proceedings available at
- Sciubba E Zullo F: “Exergy dynamics of a sphere undergoing a non-equilibrium
concentration transient”, 29th international conference on Efficiency, Cost,
Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems June 19. - 23. 2016,
Portorož, Slovenia
- Sciubba E., Zullo F.: Exergy and entropy of non-equilibrium systems, 30th international
conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of
Energy Systems, July 2-9, 2017, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Sciubba E., Zullo F.: Exergy for systems in thermal non-equilibrium evolving according to
Cattaneo’s equation, 31th international conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Guimarães - Portugal, June 17-22, 2018
- C. Giorgi, F. Zullo: On the entropy production of fins, Proceedings of the First World Energy Forum, Roma, Italy, 14.09-05.10 2020 (online conference).
- S. Carillo, M.G. Naso, E. Vuk, and F. Zullo: Non rectification of heat in graded Si-Ge alloys, to appear in Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics - Proceedings of the Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2021), V.1
- G. Filipuk, T. Kecker, F. Zullo: On a regularization of a nonlinear differential equation related to the non-homogeneous Airy equation, Proceedings of the Contemporary Mathematics in Kielce 2020, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
- E. Sciubba, F. Zullo: A thermodynamic non-equilibrium model for the expansion of a real gas in a turbine cascade, 37th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 30- July 5 2024, Rhodes, Greece.
- E. Sciubba, F. Zullo: Exergy analysis of a complex, multi-species evolutionary history in an isolated ecological niche, 37th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 30- July 5 2024, Rhodes, Greece
- F. Zullo: “Solitoni e fibre ottiche” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati molisani” n. 1, Settembre
- F. Zullo: “Una nuova generazione di sensori” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati molisani” n.
2, Marzo 2007.
- F. Zullo: “Sull’utilità del concetto di varietà in fisica” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati
molisani” n. 3 Settembre 2007.
- F. Zullo: “L’equazione di Korteweg – de Vries ” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati molisani”
n. 4 Marzo 2008.
- F. Zullo: “Matematica, teoria dei gruppi e realtà fisica” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati
molisani” n. 5 Settembre 2008.
- F. Zullo: “Uno sguardo alla teoria del caos: come si fanno le previsioni del tempo?” in
“Quaderni di scienza e scienziati molisani” n. 6 Marzo 2009.
- F. Zullo: “Sostenibilità, Exergia e modelli di Lotka-Volterra” in “Quaderni di scienza e
scienziati molisani” n. 8 Marzo 2010.
- F. Zullo: “Dimensioni, frattali e traiettorie quantistiche” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati
molisani” n. 9 Settembre 2010.
- F. Zullo: “Sulle trasformazioni di Bianchi Bäcklund” in “Quaderni di scienza e scienziati
molisani” n. 10 marzo 2011.
- F. Zullo: “Teoria di Hamilton-Jacobi, trasformazioni di Bianchi-Bäcklund e meccanica
quantistica” n 12, Marzo 2012.
- F. Zullo: “Un viaggio tra le funzioni di Weierstrass e Painlevé. I.” in “Quaderni di
scienza e scienziati molisani” n 14, Marzo 2013.
- F. Zullo: “Un viaggio tra le funzioni di Weierstrass e Painlevé. II.” in “Quaderni di
scienza e scienziati molisani” n 15, Settembre 2013.
- F. Zullo: “Dall’analisi matematica alla geometria attraverso ricorrenze numeriche”
in“Quaderni di scienza e scienziati molisani” 17-18, Settembre 2014.
- F. Zullo: “Sulla produzione di entropia nei sistemi fisici”, in “Quaderni di scienza e
scienziati molisani”, Marzo 2017.